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Lee Sop Cho

Lee Sop Cho, The Black Flowers, 2021, yarn, silicone, iron, urethan resin, feather, fly swatter, scissor, shower loofah and other mixed media, dimensions variable(height approx. 300cm). Courtesy of the artist

Lee Sop Cho (b. 1994 in Seoul, lives and works in Seoul) sculpts narratives of affect, mourning, and love from the societal questions of normalcy, using metaphors of flora and the body. His art explorations stray into the unfamiliar, blending painting with sculpture— using painting atop sculpted canvases or altering their frames—to challenge the established boundaries of each medium. His recent flower sculptures series takes flowers out of the queer framework and attempts to ‘de-queerify’ them by removing their stereotypical sensuality. Through his works, Lee Sop Cho shapes his own insecurities and sense of incompleteness as someone who struggles to find a stable place, to both reveal and conceal his true self. Cho’s works have been shown in various group exhibitions such as  The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul (2023), Framer, Shower, Seoul (2023), Doosan Art Lab Exhibition 2023 Doosan Gallery, Seoul (2023), Bony, Museumhead, Seoul (2021), My flowers are near and foreign, Coreana Museum of Art, Seoul (2021), and Black Watermelon, WESS, Seoul (2021). His solo shows include I&I, Cylinder, Seoul (2023), and SAUDADE: Dead Naming, Kim Chong Yung Museum, Seoul (2022).

